King James Version (KJV) Bible with direct links to Strongs Concordance Definitions.
* Strongs Concordance with cross references to other numbers and drill down to verses
* Bookmark management
* Phrase searching
* Note taking
* Bible reading history
* Verse sharing
Read the KJV as you normally would and touch a word youd like to look up, where youll be taken directly to the Strongs definition for the word.
Premium features are offered in a yearly subscription. Account will be charged for
renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of subscription period.
You will still be able to use these features if you do not subscribe; however, you will see a popup reminding you of the subscription every time you use them.
Available Premium Features:
* Strongs definition sharing
Planned Premium Features:
* Note sharing
* Bookmark search
* Note search
* Interlinear Bible
* Bible book overviews
* much more as time goes by
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